Sorry for being a downer, every little positive bit of info I read, I have a way of making it negative in my mind and keeping my hopes low. I did have a call with our adoptoin rep, we are still hanging in there. It did make me feel better after speaking with her. The agencys truly feel the calling efforts are making a difference. So please try to keep up the efforts and make sure your personal Senator & Congressman did actually sign the Letter to Sec of State Rice.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Feeling a little better
Posted by Ann at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Notes from President Bush and Prime Minster Dung of Vietnam
"The President expressed his commitment to continue the development of
intercountry adoption cooperation between the United States and
Vietnam that ensures the best interests of the child, respects his or
her fundamental rights, and prevents the abduction and trafficking of
children. The Prime Minister underscored that Vietnam shares these
goals and stressed that Vietnam will speed up preparations for an
early accession to the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoptions. The
Prime Minister also welcomed U.S. technical assistance in facilitating
this step."
Here's the link to read the rest:
http://www.whitehou releases/ 2008/06/20080625 -4.html
Posted by Ann at 7:52 PM 1 comments
Thank You Senator Martinez! FL (UPDATE 7/11 **MARTINEZ NEVER SIGNED! Huge disapointment, thanks for NOTHING!(Clinton did sign Thank You!)
Ok, my sister JOJO and Mom aka "condo callers" have both reported in that Senator Martinez from sunny FL has signed the "Child's Right Campaign" letter to Sec of State Rice. The Martinez staff was very concerned with our issues and we truly appreciate the follow up efforts they made with us. Thanks Again!
I and several other families still are wondering whats going on with Senator Clinton from NY?? I have heard this is her first day back to Senate. Still, you would think work and discussions would still be made in her absence. Her website is very clear that she will only support you if you are from NY. Here is the phone number 202-224-4451, good luck and please let me know how you make out.
Posted by Ann at 6:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What do you think about this?...a bit more positive
Excerpt from today's announcement:
"The United States and Vietnam are working to develop an intercountry adoption agreement
that ensures the best interests of the child, respects his or her fundamental rights, and
prevents the abduction and trafficking of children, including U.S. assistance to facilitate
Vietnam's early accession to the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoptions. Eighty-five
percent of all U.S. Official Development Assistance to Vietnam focuses on health issues, and
our cooperative efforts to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS and combat Avian Influenza are the
hallmarks of our bilateral health relationship. The United States is providing International
Military Education and Training to Vietnam and using Economic Support Funds to help ethnic
minorities in the Central Highlands. We have also discussed the possibility for a Peace Corps
agreement with Vietnam. The United States has engaged actively with the Vietnamese on
various regional and global issues, particularly in light of its non-permanent UN Security
Council seat in 2008-2009"
For full announcement, you may read it at Adoptnewswire. com or at State Department's
Posted by Ann at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Good Old NY- "Senator Schumer did not yet sign"UPDATED POST
*Senator Schumer 1-202-224-6542 Please give him a friendly call requesting his support. Thanks!
Joint Council is pleased to announce that the letter from the Congressional Coalition on Adoption to Secretary Rice regarding intercountry adoption and child protection in Vietnam has received over 130 Congressional signatures.
Given the visit to the United States by the Prime Minister of Vietnam over the next few days, it would greatly benefit our collective effort if additional calls to Members of Congress were made immediately.
While many families and adoption service providers are not directly involved with Vietnam, we urge all families and service providers to participate in A Child’s Right Campaign by calling your Congressional Senators and Representatives today!
Please take a moment now and contact your Congressional Senators and Representatives and ask if they have signed the Congressional Coalition on Adoption (CCA) letter to Secretary Rice. If they have, please thank them for their support. If not, please ask that the Senator or Representative add their support and signature to this important letter.
Posted by Ann at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Still going strong! ***UPDATED ENTRY
Please keep contacting your representatives, senators, congressmen asking them to support the CCAI letter to Condoleeza Rice. It is having an impact!
E-mails are good, phone calls are better. As per CCAI this morning, due to the large number of representatives responding, CCAI has postponed delivery to Condoleeza Rice until later in the week. They want more time to give everyone the opportunity to sign on.
Also, the Vietnamese Prime Minister, Nguyen Tan Dung is visiting the US this week 6/23-26, for a number of reasons but mainly to strengthen economic dealings. He is scheduled in D.C., California to meet with Barbara Boxer and also in Houston. If you live in any of these locales, this may be an extra opportunity for you to promote an extension allowing for continued adoption from Vietnam.
****Senator Boxer has signed the letter to SOS Rice, Senator Boxer is in total agreement in working on an agreement to keep Vietnam open to adopitons.
Posted by Ann at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The Little Red Hen
We read a version of "The Little Red Hen" last night, but in this version they all get eaten in the end. So why do I tell you this? Today I had the best helpers in the entire world! Who will pick the berries? Who will wash the berries? Who will cut the berries? Who will mash the Berries? You got the picture? Needless to say we had a pretty carefree day. The urge to log on to the computer happened a few times, but I enjoyed the day and stayed off. Hope you enjoy these photos.
Posted by Ann at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Bring on Summer.....what ever will be will be
Ok gang AP's, PAP's, supporting Family & Friends, time now to enjoy, take a deep breath and let the cards fall where they may. Yes the Vietnam situation will always be on my mind, but darn it... We had a very hard winter and now time to enjoy some summer! It seems tradition always starts summer with Berry picking, followed by Cherry picking, followed by long days at the beach. So looking forward to this routine. Our daughter has 1.5 days left of Kindergarten, its gone way too fast. Yesterday she brought home her art work for the year. It made me cry. Her art is so simple, happy and carefree. I pray she always stays this way. Our son is biting at the bit to help with yard work specially if it involves using the garden hose! Daddy and him picked some strawberries this am (2 quarts!) I give him credit. Tomorrow we will truly attack, my goal is at least 10 quarts with a 3 & 5 yr old. There are only so many trips one can take to the berry farm with the price of gas and all so we have to make use of that trip. The price is $1.75 each, not bad, in the store it's easily over $3.00. OH, ps if you like the art work collection...all I did was use an ugly picture frame from yrs ago, I actually had it ready to go in the trash. Let your kids decorate the frame with leftover scrapbook stickers, fill with your favorite collection and wa-la!
Posted by Ann at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Did you know??**UPDATED INFO
Did you know that Senator John McCain's wife Cindy is huge in helping the orphans of Vietnam. She is very involved with operation Smiles, she will help the children get the surgery's done on the Navy ships off Vietnam. Another fact: they are also adoptive parents! In the 90's they adopted a little baby girl in Bangladesh.
So if you feel the urge to ask Senator McCain for support here is the information.
Phone Number 703-418-2008 option 5 to leave a message. I will post the link above this message to email your request. I used the topic, tell me about an event. Keep your note brief and short. A long rambling message will not get attention. Also include the request that he signs the letter to Sec of State Rice for "A Child's Right Campaign" Ok that's all for now, sure would like to hear some positive feedback for all your efforts.
Posted by Ann at 7:13 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Ding Ding "ROUND TWO!"
June 18, 2008
Joint Council's Child's Right Campaign has been well received, and the letter to Secretary Rice, advocating for a new MOU for Vietnam, is now circulating to all of the congressional offices.
Joint Council is asking families to call their elected officials on Thursday, June 19th and Friday, June 20th, in support of the campaign. Joint Council has previously asked for your support, but the next two days will be crucial in obtaining the support of Congress for this important bill. Details on the A Child's Right Campaign can be found below. Joint Council has received overwhelming support for this campaign, and we appreciate your phone calls and e-mails on such short notice.
*get your contact info under the photo of "BABIES IN HANOI"
Heres to a busy Thursday and Friday!
Posted by Ann at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Calling Efforts
This week I have spoken to Congressman Oberstar and Senator Landrieu, they are both members of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption. There are a group of officials currently in Vietnam advocating for the "pipeline" families. Hopefully they will return with a good report. Both of my conversations were very positive, here are some quotes "We don't want the DOS to simply throw in the towel" I told them "you are saying everything we want to hear" Where should we focus our efforts. The reply was **continue to ask Our Senators and Congressman to sign the letter to Condolessza Rice.** On a side note, our last round of callings was what I would call a "dress rehersal" because of miscommunications, the letter at that point was not even drawn up, it was in very early stages. As of Last Friday, all parties agreeded on the "wording" and hopefully its typed and in route to be delivered. Any whooo, we should really do one more round of calling, at this point why not? My game plan will be to wait until Joint Council announces that the letter has been sent, maybe at that point it will be online for our review. Links and contact info under "Babies in Hanoi photo" on the rightside. If you have not yet signed the online petition for BRING OUR CHILDREN HOME please do so now,(link above) the signatures are past 2500, good results, but NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
Posted by Ann at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Joint Council Update *keep calling Senators and Representivies
June 13, 2008 ****Continue calling Senators and Reps' to sign the letter to Sec Rice phone numbers links on right side of this post.*********
In advancing our advocacy for every child’s right to a permanent, safe and loving family, Joint Council will lead a delegation to Vietnam on June 17, 2008. The delegation is a collaborative effort and includes: Tom DiFilipo of Joint Council; Paul Singer of the Global Orphan Care Initiative and Joint Council Board of Directors; Linh Song of Ethica; Gary Gamer of Holt International; and John Meske of Faith International. During this trip, the delegation will present the key elements of A Child's Right Campaign including our Recommendations, to officials of the Vietnamese government.
With dual goals of maintaining the myriad of services provided to children and families—both directly and indirectly—through intercountry adoption and strengthening protection from unethical practices, corruption and abuse, the Joint Council delegation will advocate for a new Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Vietnamese and U.S. governments to go into effect September 1, 2008.
A Child’s Right Campaign Update
Joint Council continues to communicate with the Congressional Coalition on Adoption (CCA) Co-Chairs regarding a collective letter to Secretary Condoleezza Rice that promotes the continuation of permanency services through strengthened protections and a new MOA. It is our understanding that the CCA Co-Chairs are continuing to develop this letter, which will be distributed to all Members of Congress early next week.
Joint Council will issue a notification when the letter has been distributed, as well as an update on when the letter will be forwarded to Secretary Rice.
We offer our thanks to the families and friends of Joint Council, along with our Member Organizations, who continue to participate in A Child’s Right Campaign for Vietnam. Your ongoing advocacy efforts on behalf of the orphaned and vulnerable children of Vietnam both inspire and motivate all of us at Joint Council.
Posted by Ann at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I am normally the one people come to with their problems, I am the one that will make problems go away, fix things, make it better. Everything is just crashing down, day by day, every update from our agency spinning me out of control. Basically I work from sun up to dusk, keeping busy, playtime, garden, housework and a very full schedule. When night sets in the tears come. No one understands, this has been good intentions going very wrong. Two years of financial family sacrifice, planning, keeping calm and emotions in check. Trying so hard to not let this consume me. I am so tired. I also have my doubts, however I reason myself back into thinking this will all work out. How come numerous other agency's continue to get a steady flow of referrals, when our agency has been seeing decrease every month? Maybe this is all way to big for me. I keep searching for any positive news. We have done the calling, letters, faxes. Its truly surprising that I have really gotten only one weak response. That or I am still very naive in expecting a reply from the start. Well here's to a new week, come good or bad...its on the way.
Posted by Ann at 5:43 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Bring Our Children Home :due 7/1/08
Please sign this petition for "Bring Our Children
Home" *you do not need to give money, just complete by
putting in your email, name, and a brief message like
"Please support keeping matching families with orphans
after Sept 1."
Let me know if you have any questions
Posted by Ann at 7:48 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Weekly Update, How will the Rat treat me this year?
For today Friday the 13th here is my forecast on the horoscope front:
Chinese Astrology 2008: Year of the Rat
Take action today and make things happen! Spend some time with your partner, even if it's just for a little while, and find fun wherever you can. You may be feeling lighthearted, and soon everyone around you will be too.
I guess I did just that, after waiting more than patiently for a reply from Senator Schumer, I left a voice message about my 25 day wait for an update to my issue and that I also left a message with VP Cheneys office. Guess what? 10 min later I get a return phone call. The lady told me my case was sent in to the office in DC and she would call me back with an update. She also asked if I had any new information. OF course I did, Vietnam DIA is implying they will continue to keep families in process if the Dept of State will continue to issues the Visa. So basically we have yet again lack of communication. I hope to hear more positive news. If any PAP's have any positive news...come on...leave me an update! (OH YES, my local Senator Michael Nozzolio wrote me a letter today stating he would request that Senator Schumer office advocate for me)
On the home front, I am almost recovered from poison ivy. Mostly on my arms 40% covered, its been very very bad. I am also just starting to paint the hallway, the one that I striped the paper off this winter. After about an hour painting it the color stated to look like calamine lotion! I am starting to like it better, its called cinnamon swirl. Sort of earthy.
Posted by Ann at 12:40 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Give Me a Good Cause and I'm Like a Dog with a Bone!
Ok now, lets finish up this letter writing campaign with a big bang. Here you go, anyone for just one more?? Information on how to contact VP Cheney. FAX Number 202-456-2461 email a letter *To follow up with a call to the White House switchboard, tell them why you are calling and you will be connected to leave a detailed message here is the phone number 202-456-1414
June 9, 2008
Your address
Any street
City , State, Zip
The Vice President
Eisenhower Executive Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20501
***AND extra letter to
The Vice President
The White House
Washington, DC 20501
Re: Please help us to complete our adoption of a baby in Vietnam
Vice President Cheney:
It is our most heart felt request that you urge the Dept of State to write a letter to Dr. Long the Director of International Adoptions in Vietnam. Please make it clear to Dr. Long that the United States will continue to issue Visa’s to all orphans being adopted by US citizens. There are new policy’s currently in place that will help ensure that adoptions are ethical. To close this program will place over 3000 families, orphans, and current humanitarian aid at risk. Both parties must work together towards an agreement that will keep families in process after 9/1/08. I look forward to your reply.
Your Name
Phone Number
****Notes if you are contacted for US names in Vietnam you can say Michael W Michalak, US Ambassador to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Hanoi and Consul General Kenneth J Fairfax in Ho Chi Minh City/ they are off the DOS VN website.
Posted by Ann at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Requesting your help,,,,One more time
This was posted on another site,(please copy and use it) I think its a wonderful idea and to the point. Here is the letter I am sending and faxing out first thing Monday. I hope you all support one more letter-calling campaign. *I think it would be best to get out ASAP as July 1 is truly right around the corner. Here is the letter I am sending, along with all four addresses *these people are part of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption.
Congressman Ginny Brown-Waite
414 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone 202-225-1002
Fax 202-226-6559
Mr. & Mrs.
2 Any Street
Your town, State, Zip
Dear Congresswoman Brown-Waite
We have been in process of adopting a child from Vietnam for **** years now. Please help us to complete our adoption and bring our child home. It is our most heartfelt request that you send a letter from the Dept of State to director Dr. Long of the DIA. In your letter please ask him to allow all dossiers submitted by July 1,2008 to be grand fathered in and allow all families currently logged in permission to receive a baby’s referral even after Sept 1.
I feel that Vietnam will honor this request if they have word from the US DOS that Visas will be issued to the child so families can complete the adoption to bring the child home to the USA. We applied to USCIS believing in good faith that the US and Vietnam would work to continue working together by completing ethical adoptions.
USCIS implemented DNA testing and the Orphans Fist program. These steps will help bring confidence to the adoption process and allow the US with Vietnam to negotiate a new MOU with the goal of becoming a Hague country. Closing the program at this point will leave over 3000 families and orphans in limbo for possibility two more years.
I look forward from hearing your thoughts regarding our request. This is a very trying time for our family and we wish this does not end in sadness.
Type your name Here
Below are addresses and fax numbers of the four co-chairs of the
Congressional Coalition on Adoption:
Senator Norm Coleman
320 Senate Hart Office Building
Washington , DC 20510
Main : 202-224-5641
Fax: 202-224-1152
Senator Mary Landrieu
724 Hart Senate Building
United States Senate
Washington , DC 20510
Voice: (202)224-5824
Fax:(202) 224-9735
Congressman James Oberstar
2365 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington , DC 20515
(202) 225-6211
FAX: (202) 225-0699
Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite
414 Cannon House Office Building
Washington , DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-1002
Fax: 202-226-6559
Posted by Ann at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Two Crow or Not to Crow
Well it looks like out of six baby chicks, 3 of them might be roosters. No, you can't tell by looking between the legs! Apparently if you look where the beak ends and if it starts to get bumpy that is the start of the comb. Today I looked real hard, and if correct I have 3 roosters. I am hopeful that the man I purchased them from might let me get some more females to add to our happy little chicken family! WE NEED EGGS! He still had plenty about the same age. We will see tomorrow. No big news for us on the waiting front.
I am a little disappointed in the Joint Council Calling Campaign. Maybe I don't know what I am talking about, BUT if you are calling Senators ect, about signing a letter, you would think the letter would of already been mailed and arrived in the office of the government official you were calling. At best by day 2 or 3 or the campaign. Not so. Again I have no inside scoop, I'm just saying "come on" that letter of support should of been at least sent with "return receipt" to each Senator. I know there are not that many when you are pushing such an important movement and so many people are supporting it, I don't want to hear at the end of my efforts "its still being drawn up". Again just my two cents.
Posted by Ann at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Stirring the pot!
Wow, my sister MJ really made some great progress today with Senators Nelson. Their office has been getting many calls on this subject (most likely form Old Port Cove), but Mr. Martinez did not have a clue...did you condo callers know you have 2 Senators in FL to call? PLEASE GET BUSY, and call Mr. Martinez at 561-842-8300.
House of Rep. Wexler's office just took a quick message to give him, she is going to call back, your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated please call 202-225-3001.
Posted by Ann at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Take 2, A chicken, and a little ray of hope,
I have one more chance to redeem myself, I can only imagine what the teachers and parents were thinking in their head when we arrived so so late for "The Concert" This Friday is scheduled another concert durning the day for a special guest. Our Aunt will attend this. The kids will re-sing all the songs from last night. So instead of her wearing a boys shirt and play jeans, I did a little bargain shopping today. I wanted to purchase 5 but came back into reality and got 2, Heck each one was $8.60!!! That's right.
A Chicken, my sister JOJO wanted to see how our chicks are growing, here ya go, this one is named VV. We gave her (hopefully a her) that name because she has a V pattern on her/his head. I really can't wait to see how many roosters we have out of 6.
Small news on the campaign front for A Child's Right. Some families have gotten replies via email that the Senator is aware of this issue and have been in touch with the Dept of State, they have been assured that plans are underway to renew by 9/1. I just hope this is true and not an old generic reply from past issues.
Posted by Ann at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A Night of the Arts & (bad bad Mommy)
All I remember reading from the numerous school memos was this is a big night for the arts Kindergarten show will start at 6pm. Ok, cool, I have camera in hand walk up and down several hallways all lined with art work, in and out of a few classrooms. How the heck will I find our daughters art? No order on how they were put up. Was I suppose to smile while viewing thousand of student art, some had the same theme, yes they were labeled. But I had to read the card on each piece. Then I asked a 4th grader if she was a "parent helper" surely she would find our daughters piece. She said oh, the kindergarten class is in the auditorium singing now. WHAT! Oh my, I do remember her practicing numerous songs, but this can't be the main event...NOOOOOOO, race through the halls, in between isles, guide her up to the stage just in time to finish the last song of "Sing a Song" I am "The Biggest Looser", She is marred for life I say. I did creep up to the front an snap a pict.(little girl on the end with brown shirt)
Posted by Ann at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Thank You Condo Callers!
Sunny FL has been getting VERY positive feedback, I put my Mother on the case, her and all the CONDO , Card playing friends were up bright and early with fingers on phones ready to dial at 9:01am! Many had very long conversations with the interns. Then all her friends called family from FL to Mass and had them call. We are very proud of the Condo Callers!
Posted by Ann at 6:02 PM 0 comments
I Can Award!
I normally don't brag about our kids, However our kindergartener came home with her award ribbon for reading an entire book to her class. She is a very quite,shy kid in unknown situations, so this is HUGE! Plus she picked out the book, Level 2 and 38 pages long! "Alice and the Birthday Giant" By John Green. Good JOB, look out first grade!
Posted by Ann at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Last Min Reminder....
Ok, the calling part of the campaign starts tomorrow, Please don't put this off, lets get it done on Monday then we can bug our friends and co-workers the other two days Ok? Remember to ask them to request support for their friends. A small ripple will eventually make a HUGE wave!
Statement of Speaking points:
“I/we urge the Senator/Congressperson to join the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Co-Chairs and sign their letter to Secretary Condoleezza Rice in support of the recommendations found in Joint Council’s A Child’s Right Campaign for Vietnam.”
How to find my State contacts see links below (CALL BOTH REPS) *you will search with your zip code *you will search by state
Posted by Ann at 6:44 PM 0 comments
"Ok Alex I'll take Adoption"
Happiness, Hope, Anxiety, Anger, Sadness, Anxious, more Anxious, Joy, Hopeful, Prayer, Internet Addicted, Nervous, Eager, Nervous Energy, Messy Home, Extra neat Home, No makeup, On your mind, Off your mind, always on your mind, Overeating, Under eating, Over sleeping, Not Sleeping, regrets, what ifs, should of sooner, overworked, extra immersed, not getting it, questioning, sadness, getting a grip,Hopeful.
What is adopting a child from Vietnam?
Posted by Ann at 6:30 PM 0 comments